Friday, July 25, 2014

Lake Winnipeg Foundation Walk For Water

Please join your friends & community members for the "Walk for Water"  on Sunday July 27, 2014.   Read all about it on the Lake Winnipeg Foundation website   Pledge forms are available from their website, or at the local stores & Community Club.

Walk for Water is the largest grassroots fundraising event in support of a healthy Lake Winnipeg. Taking place in four lakeside communities, it's a great way to be a part of the solution — and a fun way to spend a day at the lake!

No need to register ahead of time.  Just show up after 9:15 and sign in at the Dunnottar Community Club
Feel free to bring your well behaved dog for this lovely morning walk!

Walks will also be held in other areas around the lake:


Date: July 27, 2014
Location: Dunnottar Community Club
Registration: 9:15 a.m.; Walk begins at 10:00 a.m.
Distance: 5 km

Grindstone Provincial Park

Date: August 4, 2014
Location: Black’s Point Beach parking lot
Registration: 9:15 a.m.; Walk begins at 10:00 a.m.
Distance: 5 km


Date: August 10, 2014
Location: Lake Winnipeg Visitor Centre, Gimli Harbour
Registration: 9:15 a.m.; Walk begins at 10:00 a.m.
Distance: 5 km

Victoria Beach

Date: August 10
Location: Victoria Beach Clubhouse
Registration: 9:15 a.m.; Walk begins at 10:00 a.m.
Distance: 5 km

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Spring 2014

Its a late but very beautiful spring here in Dunnottar.  The piers are currently being built by the hardworking team, led by Mr. Donald Skorupski.

Here is the article from the Village website:

Dunnottar’s Piers
Mr. Skorupski has been building piers for many years, with 2014
marking his 60th anniversary. On top of building the piers, Mr.
Skorupski constructs the sitting decks and assists the village with
budget requirements annually. Generally, one of the eight piers is
replaced each year.
Each year, depending on the weather and ice conditions on the lake,
the piers are erected in a varying order so each pier gets a chance of
being first.
In 2013, one of the village’s piers was featured on the Government of
Manitoba’s homepage.
In 2014, there is $51,500 budgeted for pier and sitting deck construc-
tion. With the completion of the shoreline repairs, new sitting decks
are planned for Selkirk Avenue and Matlock Road.
Congratulations Mr. Skorupski on 60 years in the business

To read the entire Spring 2014 Village of Dunnottar newsletter - Read Newsletter