Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dunnottar Opposed to Amalgamation

This website is brought to you by a group of year-round and summer residents who love our community, our beaches, and our gentle way of life in the Village.

Let’s face it folks, after last summer’s sewer referendum, no one wants to be in a fight …
this time with the Province of Manitoba.
However, if there is one thing that unites everyone in the village, whether for or against sewer pipes or flat taxes, whether living on the lake front or back lots, whether year round or summer only, whether old or young: WE ALL VALUE THE LIFE WE LOVE AT THE LAKE

Plans are underway for a THANKSGIVING DAY MARCH in support of Dunnottar - a protest walk against Bill 33 and in celebration of Dunnottar, its community club, its flowing well, public piers... everything about life at the lake we love!

Thank you all for coming out to our Rally at Tugela Creek on Sunday September 1st.  Concerned citizens are urged to sign up to speak at the Committee Hearings  (see "Call to Action"), and to write letters/email/telephone our Provincial Government representatives to ask for exemption from the amalgamation plan.
Winnipeg Free Press - August 27, 2013

Iconic poplar piers at risk

Forced amalgamations of local governments threaten uniqueness

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