Sunday, September 1, 2013

Around 200 residents of Dunnottar came out to Tugela Creek Pier today in support of our Village!

Thank you all for coming out to our Rally at Tugela Creek on Sunday September 1st.  Concerned citizens are urged to sign up to speak at the Committee Hearings  (see "Call to Action"), and to write letters/email/telephone our Provincial Government representatives to ask for exemption from the amalgamation plan.

We sold all 25 "We LOVE Dunnottar" signs. We are also taking donations for printing expenses. Special thanks to the Eaton/Brown family for counting the cash at the Rally!

Ian delivered "The Pier Revue" to over 150 homes!

Expenses to date:

Business Cards                       84.75             
1000 copies Pier Revue        156.21
Web page purchase                10.00
Paper, markers, etc               110.19
                    Total:                $361.15

Total amount raised:             $250.

And lots and lots of in kind support = Value Unlimited !

Thank you to the 22 volunteers who delivered the Pier Revue in Matlock, Whytewold and Ponemah

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