Sunday, September 15, 2013

Celebrating our "Unique Community"

Sunday noon we had speeches, cake and drinks to celebrate our Village, after being exempt from Bill 33 - Municipal Amalgamations.
For larger photo viewing, double click on an image & scroll through all.

Happy Villagers

"Lets pat ourselves on the back!"

Mayor Rick Gamble

Some of the Elders with one of the youngest Villagers!

Sparkling grape juice for cheers

Cake at Noon - Whytewold Pier!

Join us for a celebratory cheer and cake at noon Sunday Sept 15, 2013!  The cake is not quite like the one pictured above but it is a JEANNE'S CAKE!
See you there.

Friday, September 13, 2013

"The Little Village That Could"

Congratulations Dunnottar, we are "the little village that could"

Thanks to everyone who wrote letters, sent emails, phoned MLAs, displayed We Love Dunnottar signs, signed petitions, or simply spoke to their friends and neighbours about the implications of Bill 33,  together our collective efforts made the difference!

Join us for a celebratory piece of cake at Whytewold Pier (Tugela Creek) on Sunday, September 15th, at noon.

Hope to see you there.

Special Thanks:

Thank you to all the residents of Dunnottar, both summer and year-rounders, who attended the public committee hearings at the Legislature on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th in the evening. In addition to presentations by Mayor Rick Gamble and Councilor Bob Campbell, a number of private citizens made written and oral presentations.

Special kudos to Bruce Ball who was the last person to present at about 1 am Monday morning (a true commitment given that the first presentations began shortly after 6 pm) and David Lewis who stayed till the end on Tuesday evening - ensuring our Village had representation when Minister Lemieux closed the committee hearings with the news that resort communities would be excluded from the Bill 33 legislation.

Every individual who wrote letters, sent emails, phoned MLAs or presented in person at the Leg contributed to the amendment of the Bill in favour of Dunnottar and Victoria Beach. Well done folks!
Joannie and Bob

And Special Thanks to Joannie and Bob from the rest of us!  They mobilized our community into action when we were thinking all was lost.  Well done!

Finally, We Love Dunnottar signs - available at the Village municipal office for $10. There are just a few signs left and we'd like to sell them out; proceeds toward playground equipment in the Village.

photo:  Bob Campbell

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dunnottar Remains a Village!

Thank you to all those who participated in this process,  Minister Lemieux and Committee Members.

Government News Release:
News Media Services <>
Date: 11 September, 2013 2:15:53 PM CDT
Subject: Manitoba News Release:  Government Listens to Presenters, Amendments Proposed to Municipal Moderization Act:  Lemieux
September 11, 2013


The Manitoba government's legislation that would modernize municipalities is one step closer to becoming law, after it was reviewed by a standing committee of government, Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux announced today.

"I was very pleased by the number of citizens and municipal representatives who came to share their views on Bill 33," said Lemieux.  "I was struck by the passion of presenters and their strong commitment to Manitoba's communities.  I listened to the presenters concerns and advice, and have made amendments to the bill based on their feedback."

Lemieux introduced several amendments at last night's standing committee in response to concerns raised by councils and citizens.  Amendments would:

* Extend timelines for submitting amalgamation plans where an amalgamation has significant complexities and the timelines cannot be met.  The amendment clearly states that this could include where flooding or other natural disasters impact the ability of a municipality to develop an amalgamation plan by the stated Dec. 1 timeline.

* Exclude resort municipalities designated in the Municipal Act - Victoria Beach and Dunnottar - from the amalgamation initiative, recognizing the uniqueness of these municipalities.

* Keep summer elections for resort municipalities designated in the Municipal Act - Victoria Beach, Dunnottar and Winnipeg Beach.  Summer elections are a unique feature of these municipalities.

"I've listened to concerns raised about this bill and am pleased that we've been able to improve it," said Lemieux.  "I'm looking forward to the bill's speedy passage."

Please see yesterday's posts for recent news stories

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dunnottar & Victoria Beach excluded from Amalgamation Plan

READ & LISTEN - Winnipeg Free Press Tuesday Sept. 11, 2013

READ - CBC News Story   Tuesday September 11, 2013

Excerpt  "The NDP government is making some concessions to critics opposed to the government's plan to amalgamate small muncipalities.It says it will exclude communities such as Victoria Beach and Dunnottar, saying the resort communities are "unique."

Last night  (Tuesday September 10, 2013)  the Committee Hearings continued.  Throughout we have  had a strong Dunnottar representation including Mayor Gamble and Councillor Bob Campbell.

David Lewis was one of the last presenters,  he reported that at the end of the evening Minister Ron Lemieux told the Committee Hearing about the exemption plan for the two communities.

200 people rally on September 1, 2013 in Dunnottar

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Committee Hearings Now Underway

Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION

Municipalities blast merger plan

Say NDP acting like a bully on bill

Bruce Owen  (Winnipeg Free Press)  reports on first evening of Committee Hearings.  

"Bill 33 is ripping apart smaller municipalities across the province and it's not even law yet, a legislative committee was told Monday night.
It was the first night of hearings -- it was to go to midnight and continues tonight -- on a bill that's divided many small towns and communities across much of southern Manitoba."

Story and Article

 Committee Hearings continue Tuesday evening starting at 6pm 
(Bill 33 The Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations)

Friday, September 6, 2013


The Standing Committee on SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT will meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 9, 10, 11 at 6:00 pm.

The MATTERS UNDER CONSIDERATION: Bill 33 The Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations)


The time is here: Bill 33 will receive input from the public via oral presentations (presenters can bring up to 20 copies of the presentation) OR written submissions. Submissions must be in before the Committee closes on the final day (either Tuesday or Wednesday). 

If you have yet to submit a letter or request to present in person, see CALL TO ACTION for details of what to do!  You must register first to make an oral presentation, for written submission, no registration is needed.

As of Friday, September 6, 2013 it is too late to send a letter by regular mail.  Please use email, fax, or take it to the Village of Dunnottar Office and they will fax it for you.

Minister Lemieux's public comments in the Free Press on Wednesday are encouraging, however, all advice says, "it isn't over till it's over".

Mayor Rick Gamble and other councilors will be presenting the many letters received at the Village office regarding Bill 33: they will communicate in their presentation the desire to maintain July election dates to enhance participation by summer residents.

So please, continue to contact your MLAs - change the message to one that says: "Thank you for considering an amendment to Bill 33 to recognize the unique character and contributions of cottage communities; we support any amendment that recognizes summer cottagers as residents!"
Don Skorupski taking the pier down - photo:  Bob Campbell

And ... thanks everyone ... as the saying goes, "... it takes a Village to amend Bill 33" ... so let's keep raising our collective voice!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Encouraging News

Please read Winnipeg Free Press Story (Sept. 4, 2013)

"Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux said Tuesday his officials have drafted amendments to Bill 33 that would allow resort communities such as Victoria Beach and Dunnottar to stay as they are. "I'm encouraged right now that this might be possible," Lemieux said in an interview."  - reporter Bruce Owen

We are still encouraging Villagers to continue the letter writing, phone calls and appearing at the Committee Meetings with support for amending Bill 33.

K. Steiffenhofer - Matlock morning

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Around 200 residents of Dunnottar came out to Tugela Creek Pier today in support of our Village!

Thank you all for coming out to our Rally at Tugela Creek on Sunday September 1st.  Concerned citizens are urged to sign up to speak at the Committee Hearings  (see "Call to Action"), and to write letters/email/telephone our Provincial Government representatives to ask for exemption from the amalgamation plan.

We sold all 25 "We LOVE Dunnottar" signs. We are also taking donations for printing expenses. Special thanks to the Eaton/Brown family for counting the cash at the Rally!

Ian delivered "The Pier Revue" to over 150 homes!

Expenses to date:

Business Cards                       84.75             
1000 copies Pier Revue        156.21
Web page purchase                10.00
Paper, markers, etc               110.19
                    Total:                $361.15

Total amount raised:             $250.

And lots and lots of in kind support = Value Unlimited !

Thank you to the 22 volunteers who delivered the Pier Revue in Matlock, Whytewold and Ponemah