Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dunnottar Remains a Village!

Thank you to all those who participated in this process,  Minister Lemieux and Committee Members.

Government News Release:
News Media Services <>
Date: 11 September, 2013 2:15:53 PM CDT
Subject: Manitoba News Release:  Government Listens to Presenters, Amendments Proposed to Municipal Moderization Act:  Lemieux
September 11, 2013


The Manitoba government's legislation that would modernize municipalities is one step closer to becoming law, after it was reviewed by a standing committee of government, Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux announced today.

"I was very pleased by the number of citizens and municipal representatives who came to share their views on Bill 33," said Lemieux.  "I was struck by the passion of presenters and their strong commitment to Manitoba's communities.  I listened to the presenters concerns and advice, and have made amendments to the bill based on their feedback."

Lemieux introduced several amendments at last night's standing committee in response to concerns raised by councils and citizens.  Amendments would:

* Extend timelines for submitting amalgamation plans where an amalgamation has significant complexities and the timelines cannot be met.  The amendment clearly states that this could include where flooding or other natural disasters impact the ability of a municipality to develop an amalgamation plan by the stated Dec. 1 timeline.

* Exclude resort municipalities designated in the Municipal Act - Victoria Beach and Dunnottar - from the amalgamation initiative, recognizing the uniqueness of these municipalities.

* Keep summer elections for resort municipalities designated in the Municipal Act - Victoria Beach, Dunnottar and Winnipeg Beach.  Summer elections are a unique feature of these municipalities.

"I've listened to concerns raised about this bill and am pleased that we've been able to improve it," said Lemieux.  "I'm looking forward to the bill's speedy passage."

Please see yesterday's posts for recent news stories

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