Friday, September 13, 2013

"The Little Village That Could"

Congratulations Dunnottar, we are "the little village that could"

Thanks to everyone who wrote letters, sent emails, phoned MLAs, displayed We Love Dunnottar signs, signed petitions, or simply spoke to their friends and neighbours about the implications of Bill 33,  together our collective efforts made the difference!

Join us for a celebratory piece of cake at Whytewold Pier (Tugela Creek) on Sunday, September 15th, at noon.

Hope to see you there.

Special Thanks:

Thank you to all the residents of Dunnottar, both summer and year-rounders, who attended the public committee hearings at the Legislature on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th in the evening. In addition to presentations by Mayor Rick Gamble and Councilor Bob Campbell, a number of private citizens made written and oral presentations.

Special kudos to Bruce Ball who was the last person to present at about 1 am Monday morning (a true commitment given that the first presentations began shortly after 6 pm) and David Lewis who stayed till the end on Tuesday evening - ensuring our Village had representation when Minister Lemieux closed the committee hearings with the news that resort communities would be excluded from the Bill 33 legislation.

Every individual who wrote letters, sent emails, phoned MLAs or presented in person at the Leg contributed to the amendment of the Bill in favour of Dunnottar and Victoria Beach. Well done folks!
Joannie and Bob

And Special Thanks to Joannie and Bob from the rest of us!  They mobilized our community into action when we were thinking all was lost.  Well done!

Finally, We Love Dunnottar signs - available at the Village municipal office for $10. There are just a few signs left and we'd like to sell them out; proceeds toward playground equipment in the Village.

photo:  Bob Campbell

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