Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dunnottar & Victoria Beach excluded from Amalgamation Plan

READ & LISTEN - Winnipeg Free Press Tuesday Sept. 11, 2013

READ - CBC News Story   Tuesday September 11, 2013

Excerpt  "The NDP government is making some concessions to critics opposed to the government's plan to amalgamate small muncipalities.It says it will exclude communities such as Victoria Beach and Dunnottar, saying the resort communities are "unique."

Last night  (Tuesday September 10, 2013)  the Committee Hearings continued.  Throughout we have  had a strong Dunnottar representation including Mayor Gamble and Councillor Bob Campbell.

David Lewis was one of the last presenters,  he reported that at the end of the evening Minister Ron Lemieux told the Committee Hearing about the exemption plan for the two communities.

200 people rally on September 1, 2013 in Dunnottar

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