Friday, September 6, 2013


The Standing Committee on SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT will meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 9, 10, 11 at 6:00 pm.

The MATTERS UNDER CONSIDERATION: Bill 33 The Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations)


The time is here: Bill 33 will receive input from the public via oral presentations (presenters can bring up to 20 copies of the presentation) OR written submissions. Submissions must be in before the Committee closes on the final day (either Tuesday or Wednesday). 

If you have yet to submit a letter or request to present in person, see CALL TO ACTION for details of what to do!  You must register first to make an oral presentation, for written submission, no registration is needed.

As of Friday, September 6, 2013 it is too late to send a letter by regular mail.  Please use email, fax, or take it to the Village of Dunnottar Office and they will fax it for you.

Minister Lemieux's public comments in the Free Press on Wednesday are encouraging, however, all advice says, "it isn't over till it's over".

Mayor Rick Gamble and other councilors will be presenting the many letters received at the Village office regarding Bill 33: they will communicate in their presentation the desire to maintain July election dates to enhance participation by summer residents.

So please, continue to contact your MLAs - change the message to one that says: "Thank you for considering an amendment to Bill 33 to recognize the unique character and contributions of cottage communities; we support any amendment that recognizes summer cottagers as residents!"
Don Skorupski taking the pier down - photo:  Bob Campbell

And ... thanks everyone ... as the saying goes, "... it takes a Village to amend Bill 33" ... so let's keep raising our collective voice!

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